Tag Archives: 50

A Most Disturbing Piece of Mail – A Lesson About Life

Well, I knew it was bound to happen. My brother-in-law Brooke warned me, my fellow Rotarian’s laughed about it and now it has come. I was sent a membership application from AARP yesterday. Yes, the American Association of Retired Persons found out I’m turning 50 shortly. I swear I just turned 21 yesterday. How did those years pass so quickly.

Do I feel 50, no way. Age is just a state of mind and while I feel I have gained wisdom in the 50 years, life is still as playful as it was 29 years ago (ok, so my body doesn’t recover as quickly but my mind does). To keep a youthful exuberance and a positive outlook on life may not be so easy, especially in today’s turbulent economic world, keeping an optimistic point of view is the only way to stay young in spirit.

Being an Eeyore is a sure way to age faster than you should. Being a realistic optimist is a way to slow down aging and to enjoy each and every minute. Here are a few of my thoughts on life:

  • Don’t hold grudges. It takes a lot of energy to stay being angry at people.
  • Be honest. Lying means you have to remember what you lied about so you don’t get caught.
  • Lead an ethical life. It is so much easier to be fair and ethical. Follow the Rotary 4-Way Test and your life will be easier.
  • Laugh. Do this at least once a day (more if you can) and you’ll extend your life and enjoy it more as well.
  • Cherish friends. Friends make your life better. Join an organization like Rotary, or Lions, or maker a young friend by being a big sister or big brother to a needy kid.
  • Don’t stress the little stuff or for that matter the big stuff. Care about everything in proportion but don’t let it stress you to inaction or to the detriment of your health.
  • Learn something new everyday. My friend and one time business partner Judge Alan Tiras had a saying, every day I learn something is a good day.
  • Finally, Do something good for someone, anyone, everyday of your life. There is no greater gift you can give than a kind thought, a good deed or a lending hand.

 Life is way too short to be miserable and angry. As bad as things may seem, they can and will get better if you want them to and work toward that end.