The 5 People You Meet in Heaven

Last year, while travelling to Baden-Baden to speak at a conference, I decided to pick up a book at the airport bookstore in Atlanta.  Something not related to health, science or business.  The book I picked was The 5 People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Alblom, the author of Tuesday’s With Morrie.

I was so impressed by the book, I decided to buy a dozen of them and give it as my Christmas gift to some of my good friends.  It is an easy read, but it is so uplifting and well written that I had to write about it here. 

Without giving anything away, it is a story about a man who worked in what he thought was a meaningless job. Instead he finds out that he touched more lives than he could have ever imagined.  If you don’t shed a tear while reading the last few chapters, than you’ve lost your heart.

If you can only read one book this year, read this one.

 The Five People You Meet in Heaven

All about Tasya

Some of you may or may not know the story about my daughter Tasya.  She has a rare form of epilepsy that caused her to have both grand mal’s and drop seizures that was likely to have been caused by a birth defect somewhere deep in her brain (at least that is the best guest by her neurologist at Stanford).

For many years, her seizure activity was out of control although there were brief periods where things were good.  One common problem we faced was her constant temper tantrums, often violent, often for no reason whatsoever. Nothing we tried to resolve the issue worked.  My wife Hillary, a one time counseling psychologist, was stumped as was the outside psychologist we worked with.  Freightened by the prospect of having to resort to tougher measures to help control her behavior we began to lose hope.  Until we ran a food sensitivity test called LEAP from Signet Diagnostics.

The LEAP test is different from allergy testing as it isn’t looking for an immune system response.  Instead, it is looking for pro-inflammatory responses from all of the cells in your blood stream.  These pro-inflammatory cytokeines, leukotrienes and prostaglandins have been linked to diseases like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Migraines, Coronary Heart Disease, Arthritis and much more.  We were using the results to help Tasya control her seizure activity which, while much better than in years gone past, was still a problem with her occasionally having drop seizures which caused her to slam her head on her desk at school, or fall down and hurt herself while walking.

Our thought process was since migraines and seizures are very similar, maybe the LEAP test and its dietary recommendations would help Tasya.  While we did see some small gains in seizure activity, the biggest change was with Tasya’s behavior.  Before we ran the test in September of 2005, Tasya would have a temper tantrum 5-7 times a week.  Since we implemented the changes in her diet (see we have seen an incredible and dramatic change in her.  She has only had 2 minor tantrums since the change and she has gone from a easily irritated child who was unable to control her temper, to a happy go lucky kid full of hope and happiness.

If you think that’s it, you’re mistaken.  Her improvement in seizure activity has been as dramatic as her behavioral improvements due to 2 major changes we made starting in mid-October.  First, we began to switch her from low dose Keppra, Zonegran and Phenobarbital to low dose Topamax and Lamictal. The second, and equally important change was to increase her taurine levels (a neuroinhibitory amino acid) to 4 grams a day (2 grams twice daily) thanks to a talk I had with Dr. Parris Kidd  In the 14 weeks since we made the change, Tasya’s drop seizure activity has almost completely stopped (only four mild ones – two before going to the dentists office and two after having food with aspartame in it). Her nocturnal seizures only happen when she is under undo stress and even those are milder than in the past.

While we are under no false assumption that she is “cured”, what we do have is a child who isn’t afraid of going to school, is happier and sharper, as well as being more relaxed and self assured. 

For a more detailed story about Tasya, you’re all going to have to wait for my book to come out.  It is already at 175 pages with about 250 planned so I’m not that far off.  I’ll keep everyone updated as the publishing date comes closer.

The Biology of Belief

Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cell biologist, has written an incredible book about the field of epigenetics and and how it effects all of us.  Written for both lay persons and professionals in the field of health and science, I highly recommend the book The Biology of Belief.

If you saw my copy of the book, you would see about 50 flags popping out from the pages and tons of highlighted phrases, comments and quotes. 

Here is an example of something I found quite profound (there are hundreds):

“In fact, only 5% of cancer and cardiovascular disease patients can attribute their disease to heredity. [Willett 2002] While the media made a big hoopla over the dicovery of BRCA1 and BRCA2 breast cancer genes, they failed to emphasize that ninety-five percent of breast cancers are not due to inherited genes. The malignancies in a significant number of cancer patients are derived from environmentally-induced epigenetic alterations and not defective genes. [Kling 2003; Jones 2001; Seppa 2000; Baylin 1997]”

How may of you have thought that “It’s the Gene’s Stupid?”  when talking about the etiology of disease.  Lipton counters with the brilliant comment “It’s the Environment Stupid”. 

Insightful, fun to read and a valuable addition to anyones library.

  The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter And Miracles

Another poor study from the NEJM

An article in the recent issue of The New England Journal of Medicine (February 9, 2006 Vol. 354, No. 6) is a prime example of an anti-herbal, anti-nutritional attitude exhibited by the editors.  They included a study titled “Saw Palmetto for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia” in which the authors claim “…saw pametto did not improve symptoms or objective measures of benign prostatic hyperplasia.” This article is fraught with so many errors that it should make everyone wonder wheather the editors have a nefarious motive to discredit herbal medicine.

I know, its pretty strong language, but when you include a study of such poor quality that would not be published if it was about a drug, you can be pretty sure that the people who accepted this study for publication are anti-herbal.

First off, the dosage, as usual, was below what any naturopath would recomend to their patient.  Second, the authors never verified that what they were giving to the study members was really the active ingredient in saw palmetto.  Three of the authors (Drs. Kane, Shinohara and Avins) are also all well-paid consultants and/or are paid speaking fees by pharmaceutical companies that make drugs used to treat BPH.  Conflict of interest screams quite loudly in my ears.

They came up with some pretty lame explanations for why this study seems to contradict 30 other studies that did find benefits to saw palmetto supplementation.

All in all, it is pretty sad that what the media reports is one negative study and not the 30 other positive ones. Drug company advertising money?

Hello world!!!

Welcome to  I hope my blog interests you and makes you think about issues I feel pasionate about.  As my title says, I will strive to never be boring and always try to be provocative.  For those of you who know me personally, you know how I tell it like I see it. 

Keep coming back everyday as I’ll be posting new ideas, thoughts and messages.