LDL, Toxicity and Health

Seattle Functional Medicine Presentation – In Powerpoint Format

In 2005, I did a number of talks about the issues of environmental toxicity and health, especially on the subject of elevated LDL cholesterol. Here is the Powerpoint presentation for the talk I did on September 25, 2005 to a group of Functional Medicine Practitioners.

I will be posting a few of my other talks on environmental toxicity in the coming weeks.

So What Really is in NCD/Zeolite???

NCD/Zeolite Mineral and Heavy Metal Content 

We know what zeolite is (volcanic ash), we’ve heard the numerous health claims (some more preposterous than others), but until now, we really didn’t know what it was made of.  I firmly believe that all nutritional product should have these types of analysis done on them before they come to market.

Read the attachment above and judge for yourself whether its worth the exorbitant price.

LEAP and Tasya – Changes Abound

About a year ago, I posted information about my daughter Tasya and the remarkable results she’s gotten by following the dietary recommendations we received from the LEAP MRT from Signet Diagnostics.  Well a year has passed and while she still has issues relating to her epilepsy, she continues to get better.

Here are the results of her second test completed just a few weeks ago.

Note how many of the previously reactive foods have become non-reactive like pork, olives, and crab.  New items popped up like white potatoes, papaya, mango and banana while some, like tyramine (found in hard cheeses) and red dye #3 stayed highly reactive. 

All in all, we have made the adjustments in her diet and noticed continued improvement. I truly wish I could say that she was 100% cured or better but in all honesty I can’t.  She is vastly better but we still have a ways to go. Still, if it weren’t for the people who developed the test at Signet Diagnostics, my daughter Tasya would not be anywhere nearly as healthy and happy as she is today.  My family, and especially Tasya will always be grateful to them for what they’ve done to improve the quality of her life.

Zeolites – Cancer Cure? I don’t think so

Common FDA, start doing your job and get rid of all of those Waiora MLM distributors who are making outrageous claims about how their product, which is volcanic ash made up primarily out of aluminum silicate, cures cancer. They go on to cite a study, which no one has any details about or any way of verifying the claim, which makes a ridiculous statement telling us that the product cured cancer in a number of late-stage patients.

Instead of going after minor violators of their rules, the FDA and the FTC need to stop this type of deceitful marketing. To read a couple of good pieces of information about Natural Cellular Defense aka Zeolite, click here and then here.

Don’t waste your money on what amounts to ground up ash.

More bad news about perchlorates

Despite Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano saying that the Colorado River was safe and that the levels of perchlorates were ok, more data is out showing that even small quantities of this component of rocket fuel are harming the environment.

In the August 2006 issue of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, researchers found that the chemical masculinizes fish and causes lowered reproduction rates. While the doses used were far higher than EPA allowable amounts, they were still environmentally relevant as they were similar to contaminated sites around the U.S.

When are our government officials going to start protecting us and not protecting big business interests? Maybe when it’s too late.

Props to Mr. Pavin

I’m a big PGA golf fan and I want to just say congrats to Mr. Corey Pavin for winning his first tournament since 1996.  After battling cancer, and struggling to even make the cut this year, I’m real happy to see this gentlemen of the tour win once again.

And yes, sometimes the good guys do win.

Breast Feeding in Public – Much ado about nothing?

Ah, as the media is want to do; they love controversy even if it is something as silly as the debate about breast feeding babies in public.  Babytalk, a magazine devoted to raising infants, had a baby breast feeding on the cover in their most recent issue. Amazingly, thousands of complaints came in angry that they would dare put a breast on the cover of a magazine!  My response?  AMERICA GET OVER IT AND LIGHTEN UP!!!

We complain about radical Islamists covering women up but we act like 13 year old boys when we see a natural event like a mother breast feeding a baby.  One mother, was quoted as saying the following regarding the magazine cover and the effect on her young son – “I shredded it,” “A breast is a breast — it’s a sexual thing. He didn’t need to see that.”  If our puritanical silliness would interpreting breast feeding as a sexual event, maybe it wouldn’t be. If you ever have a chance to go to Europe, you’d realize how asinine this controversy is.

We don’t complain when we see violence on magazine covers or in games but oh help us Lord if we dare show a women’s half breast on the cover of a baby magazine.  No wonder our crime rate is higher than almost any country in the world and we have such a large population of sexual deviants. Time to make a change and put our priorities in the right place.

Pathetic Individuals

Some people come into this world with the intent of helping others and some come into the world to hurt others. Then there are people so angry with the world they feel it is important for them to tear others down. I have devoted much of my life to helping others through my work in Rotary, Carbon Based Corporation, and other avenues of service. The most important though is my work to help my daughter Tasya deal with the effects of epilepsy. My parents led me to believe the first choice is best. Still, there have been bumps in the road, and choices I made were not always the right ones but I know that my intent was always to help those less fortunate than me.

It has come to my attention that there is an individual out there attempting to attack my reputation once again with the same tired, old, psychotic ramblings that they have hurled at me and countless others who have dared to disagree with them. This person has gone so far as to join newsgroups (Yahoo) and falsefy their identity and write e-mails about me that were so far from reality as to boggle ones imagination. My only theory is that they are suffering from manganese induced schizophrenic episodes.

Since I know the person is likely to read this blog, I’d like to give a little shout out to them and let them know that the calls I’m getting from friends they’ve talked to has been nothing short of a laugh fest. One said that the persons vitriolic diatribe against me was so pathetic they kind of felt sorry for the person.

They come at me with all of these negative, angry accusations, some actually based on a smidge of reality, but so blown out of proportion as to make them look pretty damned pathetic. The more they do it, the better I look in the eyes of the people they talk to.

The bottom line here is while this person continues to piss on me from a distance, as I tell my friends, I’m not getting wet anymore. So, if they want to continue with the childish behavior and continue to harass me, and tell lies to people, that’s ok. I’ve come to expect nothing less from them. It saddens me to think that this person is so angry that they waste so much energy on trying to bad-mouth me. If they would use that to help others, maybe the world would be a little bit of a better place to live.  If not, oh well, I guess I’ll just have to listen to my friends continue to chuckle.