Researching Environmental Health Issues – Part Deux

Want to know who’s polluting in your neighborhood? Want to know where the biggest polluters for each toxin?
What the worst pollutants are? is your home for all that information and more.

Looking for data relating to health, mortality and morbidity? The Center’s for Disease Control is the place to go.

To access the latest in information about pesticides go to Beyond Pesticides which contains a veritable clearing hour of data.

Health and is a veritable treasure trove of information relating health and toxins.

Want to find the foods highest in Tryptophan, B6 and Zinc but are low in Glycine, Manganese and Starch? Go to and search to your hearts content.

For those of you who want to research the periodic chart, here is one of the best on the web posted by the University of Minnesota.

Want to know the scoop of everything lipids?  Go to for all the real information about fatty acids.

NHANES is the US government databank known as National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Lots of information relating to health and nutrition.

And finally, for a great website dedicated to science, try

Hope my two latest blogs help you learn more about the important issues surrounding health and the environment.

Researching Environmental Health Issues

The first stop for anyone interested in the field is the home page of the highly respected journal –  Environmental Health PerspectivesThis journal is funded by the NIH and because of that, every article is available free online in Adobe PDF format.

The Environmental Working Group is a non-profit organization made up of scientists, engineers, policy experts and lawyers who research issues relating to the environment and health. They have reported on issues relating to Teflon®, cosmetics, perchlorates, bisphenol A, phthalates and many more. They have published numerous reports like Skin Deep, Body Burden, and Body Burden II. Every person who is interested in this field should read these three reports.

In the field of environmental toxin cleanups, it is well known that certain bacteria have an affinity for certain toxins.
THe database provided by the University of Minnesota has hundreds of toxins and the species of bacteria that break them down. One of my theories is that some people’s persistent infectious state is due to these bacteria’s affinity for these toxins which are found in everyone’s blood stream and adipose tissue.

The Children’s Health Environmental Coalition’s site is filled with information about individual toxins like phthalates, mercury, and dioxin. It is also filled with lots of news and tips on how to live in today’s toxic environment.

How many times have you been asked “What is the safest fish to eat?” At Ocean’s Alive, you can download the latest information about fish eating safety.

Back Posting Again

For those of you who wonder where I’ve been in recent weeks the answer is, all over the place.  On October 28, 2006 I was lecturing in Baden-Baden, Germany and my talk was called “Modern matrix medicine: toxic loads and excretion therapies.” The crowd of health care practitioners from around the world numbered between 350-400. I would like to thank Heel GMBH and the International Society for Homeopathy and Homotoxicology for inviting me to their annual event.

From there I went to the meeting of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM) in Rancho Mirage, California and when I got back, it was into the hospital to get my Achillies tendon repaired along with removing a nasty bone spur.  While I expected to be down for a few days, little did I realize how much I would need the support of pain killers to deal with the aftermath of some pretty extensive surgery.

So, now that I’m somewhat recovered, my topics over the next few weeks will include the following topics:

  • The influence of BigPharma on patient advocacy groups
  • Recent research into treatment options and prostate cancer
  • Is angioplasty really that effective?  Or worse, can it be harmful?
  • Growing evidence on the effects of environmental toxins on obesity
  • Neurological damage caused by industrial chemicals
  • Obesity, an American phenomena or world-wide epidemic?
  • The development of a lab competency testing protocol
  • Books that inspire, educate and provoke thought
  • Resources to research environmental health issues
  • Trivia, opinions and straight from the hip comments

I am looking forward to the coming weeks of information sharing.

Big Pharma Wouldn’t Deceive You Would They? You Bet They Would!!!

In a broadcast yesterday on National Public Radio, Richard Knox reports on how Eli Lilly deceived doctors and the public about a drug to treat sepsis that wasn’t meeting their sales goals.  Xigris is the only drug approved to treat sepsis which kill 200,000 American annually but it’s cost is ridiculously high at $8,000 per treatment.  Because of this, physicians had been rationing the drug which hurt Lilly’s profits.  Can’t have that can we?

Eli Lilly then funded a campaign to change the way treatments for sepsis were done.  The idea is to set up treatment guidelines which are supposed to be impartial in nature.  Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to be the case here. Dr. Naomi O’Grady who chaired the panel of the Infectious Diseases Society that reviewed the guidelines. was quoted as saying “Let me choose my words carefully, this guideline really, I believe, was designed to promote a product.”

Ever since President Reagan de-regulated the pharmaceutical industry and severely cut back funding for research, the new drug development in this country has not been about saving lives or treating disease but trying to increase profits, create blockbuster drugs (blockbuster in the sense of obscene profits) and marketing.  This is why our health care system costs so much.  It isn’t the lawsuits like so many pro-pharma types would like you to believe but the cost of medications that has been the main fuel to the rising costs.  We need a change and we need it now before the entire health care system collapses.

Is Vitamin C and Ascorbic Acid the Same Thing?

Every once in a while a debate rages on news group forums about whether Ascorbic Acid is Vitamin C or not. Purveyors of whole food supplements make a ridiculous argument that vitamin C is more than just ascorbic acid and must include bioflavonoids and other co-factors.  I just want my readers to understand that this is nothing more than a marketing scheme to get people to buy expensive products which have limited or no additional benefits.

In order to justify their higher prices, whole food supplement sellers have to concoct wild stories that sound good on the surface but in reality are hollow claims with little or no scientific basis to them. 

Having said that, is it beneficial to get your nutrients from a food source over a pill?  Of course it is. This is the absolute optimal way to get nutrients into your body.  Is buying supplements that are made from whole foods more beneficial than synthetic nutrients?  A qualified yes.  Is it worth the added expense?  Absolutely not.  In fact, if the whole food supplement companies were telling you the whole truth, they’d have to tell you that many of them use synthetic vitamins to bolster their whole food supplements because the cost of having pure food extracted vitamin C of say 500 mg you’d be paying 100 times the amount you are now.  It’s that expensive.

Save yourself some money and stay away from those whole food derived supplements and use synthetic when necessary.  But don’t forget to eat right as there is no way to make up for a lousy diet with pills no matter how “food based” they are.

Electrolytes and Athletes – A Discussion

One of the first things I always do when talking about electrolytes is to define them in a broad sense and then to refine the definition.  The reason for this will become rapidly understood.

An electrolyte in the strictest sense is any fluid that can conduct electricity. Using this definition, Coke® can be considered an electrolyte although a weak one.  Obviously, no real athlete, especially a professional would ever rely on that product to be their electrolyte of choice. So what would a “good” electrolyte be?

First off, a good electrolyte certainly wouldn’t be one laden with sugars.  Most everything on store shelves these days are just that, sugar packed soft drinks.  Did you ever really look at the label of Gatorade® ? It nothing more than sugar water.  They can’t even call themselves a balanced electrolyte.  The drink that is on the store shelves today isn’t the same as the one that the Florida Gators used all those years ago.

Just about all of the others are the same; glow in the dark sugar waters.  Not bad if you want to hydrate yourself (as long as you can stand the sugar) but as far as providing needed electrolytes used up in athletic endeavors, they’re a no go. When talking about what a good electrolyte is you need a balance of sodium, potassium, magnesium, chlorides, bicarbonates and phosphates.  The only one I know of, (here is where I pat myself on the back) is one I created about 9 years ago, Peltier Electrolytes which is now known as Synerplex Electrolytes.

Peltier is a balance of all of the aforementioned salts with no sugars, colorings or any other additives.  It has no calories and since it’s a concentrate, you can add it to pretty much any fluid you like. You can even cook with it in thinks like stews and soups.

Over the years, professional athletes from all of the major sports have used it with sometimes spectacular results.  Think about it, when you sweat you lose salts and not just sodium. So anyone who enjoys a good workout or is a professional athlete can benefit from it. 

Here comes the plug. The only way to get it is through Knowledge Through Solutions (a company I have a vested interest in) at 775.815.0867. To find out more about the product, go to or to call the number above and ask for me. Beware of imitations as a few of the ones who claim to be similar aren’t.  We sent a couple of our competitors products out for independent analysis of their electrolyte and what was on the label and what was in the bottle were wildly different.  One was so high in potassium that it had the potential of causing heart arrythmia’s in susceptible individuals.

Mercury in Fish and Diabetes – A Link Found?

Reearchers in South Korea are suggesting that methylmercury,the form found in fish, may damage pancreatic cells which may lead to diabetes in humans.  While the work is in its early stages, it should make everyone sit back and review their dietary intake of fish, especially those found highest in mercury. To get a handy mercury guide for safe fish consumption go to the Sierra Club by clicking the link.

What was also interesting about the report was how N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) was protective of the pancreatic cells exposed to methylmercury.  Using personalized lab testing may be helpful in determining whether this supplement may be beneficial for you.

Banning Harry Potter – Legitimate Complaint or Not?

A Georgia Mother, Laura Mallory is seeking to have the Harry Potter book series banned because it promotes witchcraft and evil practices. Now I can see how a deeply religious person may be offended by the content of the book but being offended and demanding a book be banned begins to create a very slippery slope that is the opposite of what our country is all about which is tolerance (or at least that is my ideal of my country.

If we begin to ban a book because it offends a belief of ours, where do we stop?  If a book like Ann Coulter’s recent work offends me, and parts of it does, can I get it banned?  Some people find Shakespere offensive so out that goes? A better answer might be to educate our children at home about what we feel is right and wrong. Sit down and talk to your children about the difference between fiction and non-fiction. Banning books for religious reasons sets a very bad precedent that our country has to be wary of.

Reno Tahoe Fest 2006 – Laboratory Testing Seminar

Carbon Based Corporation is putting on Reno Tahoe Fest 2006 on October 20, 21 and 22 at John Ascuaga’s Nugget in Sparks, Nevada.  Speakers and attendees are coming from around the world to present and listen to talks on a variety of subjects related to laboratory testing, health and nutrition.

Here is a sampling of what you’ll learn at the seminar:

Basic Concepts in Laboratory Test Interpretation – Mark Schauss

IgG Allergy Testing in Clinical Practice – John Thoreson, US Biotek

An Introduction to Viral Pathways and Clinical Markers for CFS Diagnosis and Monitoring – Dr. Kenny De Meirleir, Red Labs Belgium

Hormone Testin and Accuracy in the Laboratory – Mark Newman, ZRT Labs

The Hypercoagulation Matrix – David Berg, Hemex Laboratories

Personalizing Lab Test Results – Dr. Ann McCombs, Center for Optimal Health

Novel Supplements for use in Neurobiological Disorders – Dr. Parris Kidd

Laboratory Testing and the Chiropractic Office – Dr. Joel Grimwood

Laboratory Testing and Sports Medicine: Dealing with High Performance Athletes and the Weekend Warrior – Dr. Brian Popiel, Private Practice

… and much more.

Sign up’s are still available by downloading the registration form by clicking the link.

See you there!!!

Websites to Visit – Part One

Everyday, I surf the web looking for interesting and important content along with stuff to make me laugh.  Here are a few of my favorites – Irreverent news articles as well as important ones are posted by readers along with sometime humorous comments and tags.  Well worth the time.

CHECBlog – The Children’s Health Environmental Coalition is a treasure trove of information about toxicity and its effects.  Go there and learn so you can protect you and your family.

National Center for Atmospheric Research – Want to learn what global warming is really about?  Don’t read the hype and paranoia, read the science at this excellent website. – Tons of information about all of the sciences.  Great resource and well designed. – Want to set your clocks, watches and computer as accurately as possible?  Go here and set your time right.