First Nutrition Update of 2007

Long-Term Supplementation with Zinc May Exert a Beneficial Effect – This study was done on the effects of zinc on macular degeneration. While somewhat poorly designed, this study does seem to suggest once again that zinc supplementation is beneficial in preventing macular degeneration.

Inadequate Intake of Vitamins and Minerals May Lead to Mitochondrial Decay and Degenerative Diseases of Aging – Basically, Dr. Bruce Ames, on of the world’s foremost biochemists shows that nutritional supplementation is critical in slowing down the aging process. His opening comment in the abstract says: “Inadequate dietary intakes of vitamins and minerals are widespread, most likely due to excessive consumption of energy-rich, micronutrient-poor, refined food. Inadequate intakes may result in chronic metabolic disruption, including mitochondrial decay.”

Supplementation with Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Benefit Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis – Another excellent study showing the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation.  Remember to get your fatty acids from a reliable source (e-mail me for more info at schauss at carbonbased dot com).

Effects of Folic Acid Supplementation on the Development of Breast Cancer – This provocative study suggests that excessive folic acid supplementation may increase the risk of breast cancer. This finding may be why green tea has been found to be beneficial in breast cancer prevention as it blocks a folic acid enzyme.

Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Serum Markers of Cardiovascular Disease – This review suggests that the major cardiovascular marker benefited from Omega-3 fatty acids is triglycerides. This fat went down an average of 27 mg/dL which was quite significant. HDL, LDL and total cholesterol showed far less change.

Use of Cod Liver Oil Inversely Associated with Symptoms of Depression – Maybe Mom was right in telling you to take your cod liver oil. The authors of this study conclude, “The findings indicate that regular use of cod liver oil is negatively associated with high levels of depressive symptoms in the general population.”

Elevated Homocysteine Levels Associated with Erectile Dysfunction – Instead of taking expensive drugs to improve erectile dysfunction, maybe taking B-complex nutrients in order to lower homocysteine is a better idea.

Vitamin E Supplementation May Benefit Athletes – This study suggested that athletes would benefit greatly from additional vitamin E supplementation. I would further suggest that they would have seen better results if they used a mixture of gamma- as well as alpha-tocopherol.

Turmeric Supplementation Holds Potential for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis – The more I look into tumeric and circumin, the more I believe in these herbs in the treatment and control of inflammatory disorders. After my Achilles tendon surgery, I have had great results with tumeric and circumin.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Prevent Sudden Death – In this remarkable study, it was determined that Omega-3 fatty acids are more beneficial than many other, more traditional treatments and medical devices. The authors said that: “Based on central values of candidacy and efficacy, raising omega-3 fatty acid levels would have about eight times the impact of distributing AEDs (automated external defibrillators) and two times the impact of implanting ICDs. Raising omega-3 fatty acid levels would also reduce the rates of sudden death among the subpopulation that does not qualify for ICDs (implanter cardioverter defibrillators).”

Please go to to get more details and the full information about all the studies in today’s blog.