Never Thought I’d See the Day, but I’m Glad I Did!

If you had told me yesterday that oil giant Exxon-Mobil would begin discussions about how to become a better environmental citizen, especially in addressing the issue of global warming, I would have told you to stop hitting the bottle. Well, surprise surprise, in an article from they did just that. The company announced they would no longer fund global-warming sceptics and would begin to seriously address their responsibilities when it comes to global warming.

Now I’m under no illusion that this was not just done out of the goodness of their hearts but any move to lower gree-house gases is a step in the right direction. I’m not one to go out and tell everyone to sell their cars and ride bicycles instead but we do need to do our part to help stem the tide. Still, when a behemoth like Exxon starts changing (and we’ll see if they really do), then a very good thing has happened. This is a two thumbs up day for the good guys.