Category Archives: Nutritional Supplements

Which form of Magnesium is best???

This is kind of a loaded question as I get arguments from some pretty learned people about this but if you look at the data, its pretty much a safe bet that magnesium bound to amino acids (chelates) is the best way to go.  Thanks to my friend James Larsen, he made me add this to my blog as he sent me a study entitled “Magnesium bioavailability from magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide” by J. S. Lindberg, M. M. Zobitz, J. R. Poindexter and C. Y. Pak at the Center for Mineral Metabolism and Clinical Research, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas 75235.

In this paper, and many others like it, it is pretty clear that using magnesium oxide as a supplement is just not as effective as magnesium citrate.  There is some guy that trolls Yahoo forums trying to get everyone to buy magnesium chloride as some magical form, especially his topical one because he just knows its the best. Problem is, many people are elevated in total chloride loads in their bodies and we just don’t need to add anymore of that to our systems.  To top it off, when asked for proof, he, as many other’s who tout that they have “it”, he resorts to some silly banter about how I’m out to get him and that his proof is on how great he and his family feel.

I’m not here to sell any products, I just want to present the facts.  If you want a good form of magnesium, try magnesium citrate.  It works, and its cost effective. 

Sucralose – The Truth About the Popular Sweetener

There is a lot of nonsense being passed around for fact about sucralose, the sweetener found in Splenda®. The one website that started all of the controversy, (no I won’t link to it because that would be defeating the purpose of my rant) makes a series of outrageous claims, he says is based on fact.  I don’t know where he got his definition of fact but my definition doesn’t grow on that tree.

In my humble opinion, his claim is heavily poisoned due to his blatant sales of the natural sweetener stevia.  One on page of false, anti-sucralose nonsense, he doesn’t just tout his brand of stevia once or twice.  Oh, no, he does it 17 times!!! Talk about in your face.

So what’s the truth Mark?  Well here is a paper I wrote a while back for my corporate website, Carbon Based Corporation (go there if you’re interested in learning more about lab testing).

Let’s look at some of the claims against sucralose first:

1. Shrunken thymus glands (up to 40% shrinkage)
2. Only 19 studies on the sweetener exist
3. Correlating sucralose to chlorinated pesticides
4. Absorption and metabolism of sucralose
5. High levels of contaminants
6. No post-approval monitoring

1. The problem with the claim that sucralose shrinks the thymus gland is when you read the study you find that “atrophy of the lymph follicles in the spleen and thymus was observed in the 50,000 ppm group.” The ones fed sucralose at 10,000 and 25,000 ppm did not show this effect. Also, only one toxicologist, Judith Bellin, has disputed the manufacturer’s claims that the effect seen at 50,000 ppm was due to starvation and not from the sucralose.

2. This is blatantly misleading. In the FDA Talk Paper of April 1, 1998 – T98-16, the paper says the following, “In determining the safety of sucralose, FDA reviewed data from more than 110 studies in humans and animals.” To the websites credit, they do indicate that this was the number of studies determined by a MEDLINE search but the problem is that not all studies are reported through this manner so the information he uses is misleading.

3. Comparing sucralose to chlorinated pesticides is a reach at best. This is theoretical and not has not been proven anywhere in the literature. Chemists we’ve spoken to view this claim with disbelief.

4. There is a claim of high absorption of sucralose of up to 40%. First off, since sucralose is 600 times sweeter than sugar, far less needs to be used to gain the same sweetening effect so if absorption is even as high as claimed the amount is miniscule. Second, the preponderance of the literature suggests that sucralose is not absorbed readily in the gut. Most studies admit a 15% passive absorption of sucralose in the G.I. tract but one must remember the minute amounts being used to put this issue in perspective and that much of what has been absorbed is excreted in the urine unchanged. Some argue that intestinal bacteria in the gut (mostly pathogenic) metabolize sucralose but according to Farhadi A, et al, “bacteria metabolized lactulose and acidified the media but did not metabolize sucralose or mannitol.”

5. The argument that high levels of contaminants were found in sucralose is somewhat misleading. The contaminants found in sucralose are similar to many foods we use without question. We live in a contaminated environment which we believe is a major contributor to our many health problems, but you have to be realistic in the review of what is and is not significant. In a perfect world, there would be no need to use a sweetener, but we do not live in one. When trying to mask the bitter and highly objectionable taste of an amino acid complex, compromises are necessary. After careful consideration and an honest review of the literature, sucralose seemed to be the safest and best choice.

The fact that sucralose is produced at an approximate purity of 98% and therefore the rest must be dangerous is conjecture also and a biased interpretation of the literature. The added comment that, “Although manufacturing guidelines do specify limits on these substances there is no guarantee that such limits will always be met.” is a Chicken Little argument. Not every manufacturer is evil and wanting to get away with something. Yes, there may be unscrupulous companies, especially when it comes to other much more popular sweeteners, but you cannot make a linear correlation every time something new comes along.

6. No post approval monitoring. Curious that one of the links provided from the website, the Sucralose Toxicity Information Center, claims that “A possible problem with casecal enlargement and renal mineralization has been seen in post approval animal research.” (my italics) There are currently numerous ongoing studies around the world being published on research relating to the potential harmful effects of sucralose. This is another example of a misleading comment. Baird IM, Shephard NW, Merritt RJ, Hildick-Smith G conducted a human study on different doses of sucralose and found no side effects after approval was granted.

Now before you go off half cocked and tell me that sucralose made me/my kid/my mother/a friend sick, I believe you.  Sugar makes people sick as does a lot of different foods.  Just because someone had a bad reaction, doesn’t mean it is bad for everyone or it offers some proof of toxicity. My daughter has seizures if she has olives, a pretty nasty reaction.  Do I go around using that as a platform to ban evil olives from the market?  Of course not. Same criteria should be used here.  If it is bad for a lot of people and offers no benefits at all like aspartame should we ban it?  Damn right we should. There is no evidence that sucralose is anywhere near as bad as aspartame and the nonsense used against it is pretty much just bad reading of the literature at best, or a down right pack of lies at worst.  You be the judge.

Laboratory Testing – Learn from the pros

Are you a health care professional and want to learn what the best laboratory tests are for your patients as well as learning how to interpret them?  Well there is a seminar being put on by Carbon Based Corporation this coming October that you need to go to.  Information about the seminar is available here.

The seminar will cover subjects ranging from what tests to pick, which labs are the best, how to read the results and much, much more.  Practitioners from around the country will be sharing their experiences and will provide valauable tips that will help you help your patient’s more efficiently and cost-effectively.

Guest speakers will also talk about sports medicine, the latest in nutraceuticals for the brain and what services are available to help you and your patients find the best nutritional products out there.

Aspartame and Cancer

A study coming out in March 2006 not funded by the manufacturer shows that there is a strong link between aspartame (Nutrasweet®) and cancer.  Rsearchers at the nonprofit European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences in Bologna, Italy examined 1,800 lab rats consuming this artificial sweetner. They found more lymphomas and leukemias in the rats exposed to aspartame proportionate to the amount they ate.

Dose-response reactions are good indicators of causation of cancer so the link is quite strong.  Opponents of this study cite previous work which did not show a link.  Those studies were either funded by the makers of this poison (wow, surprise surprise they found nothing bad), were poorly done or were too small. Come on FDA, do your job and ban this poison!!!

Calcium, Vitamin D and Osteoporosis

Typically, I would write an article about the silliness that is the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) but this time, I’ll just link to an excellent comment on the subject by Pat Sullivan on his blog.  I couldn’t have explained the problems with the study they published any better than Pat did. Click here to go and read his blog.

Glucosamine Study – Another Sham Article by NEJM

For three weeks in a row, the pharmaceutical industry has trotted out their loyal horses, and printed articles in the New England Journal of Medicine on how poorly nutritional and herbal supplements worked as opposed to placebos and their stellar medications.  The news media picks up exactly what the companies want them to report on, not the entire truth.

Week after week, flawed studies are paraded out, written by people with vested interests (paid shills) for the pharmaceutical industry who is seeing their profits erode because of the dangerous side effects of the medications they tout as life savers. 

In this particular study, the big news supposedly was that glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate did little better than placebo in controlling pain in arthritic joints but boy did Celebrex work (guess who funded the authors?).  In actuality, in severe cases, the nutritional supplement was superior but no one seems to focus on that.

The flaws in the study include a very high drop out rate (20%), small sample population and a very high placebo effect.  Placebo’s in this trial were incredibly effective, way beyond what is found in almost all other placebo controlled studies.  All in all, this paper wouldn’t have seen the light of day in a respectable journal unless it is another in a series of articles that fit an agenda perpetrated by the editorial staff of the New England Journal of Medicine.

How pathetic.

Biochemical Individuality. A Brilliant Theory That No One Uses.

The term biochemical individuality, coined by the late Dr. Roger Williams, means that every one of us are unique biochemical entities that should be treated uniquely whether it is with pharmaceuticals or nutritional supplements.  Both conservative allopaths and alternative medical practitioners claim to understand the concept, but very few really get it. They bluster about how their theory takes our uniqueness into account but it all amounts to a bag of hot air.

I’ve seen health care practitioners claim that no one ever does well on N-Acetyl-Cysteine, and others who claim everyone needs it.  They both should be made to sit in the corner and write in their spiral notebook, “people are different, not everyone is the same” one hundred times or until their fingers bleed, whichever comes first. I’ve been at lectures of a well respected scientist who will said that “everyone needs supplemental vitamin E.”  This came from the same man who quoted Dr. Williams in many of his books. We should all be going into a moral epileptic fit when we hear such nonsense.

Conversely, we here that herb XX doesn’t work on disease YY as a proportion of people showed no improvement.  If you read the study though, there were a goodly sized number who did get better.  The authors, in their fervor to get published, didn’t bother to ask the question, “which subgroup got better and was there a biochemical profile that fit a pattern we could use to pinpoint those people?”  We can’t do that because if we do that we might genuinely help people get better. ARRRGGGGHHH!!!  Makes you want to go into the corner of a dark room and just cry.

The company I founded, Carbon Based Corporation ( focused its entire existence on the ideal of helping health care practitioners fully access the concept of biochemical individuality through its interpretive lab reports.  Others have similar reports which they took from us, but all they do is look at one or two types of tests as though everyone is either made of fatty acids or simple blood chemistries.  I guess they follow the adage, if all you have is a hammer, then every problem is a nail.  What I believe is that there are many possible solutions and ways of getting there and to pigeon hole yourself into one or two tests as the be all is somewhat myopic at best.  This is why I have helped develop interpretations over 30 different tests and hundreds of different combinations knowing that you can’t build your “health house” with just a hammer, you need saws, bricks, screwdrivers, glue guns, etc.

Each person is different. Let’s force our health care providers to treat us all that way and not like cattle going to slaughter.