Category Archives: Health

Does stress cause toxins to be more dangerous to health?

Evidence presented at the 45th meeting of the Society of Toxicology suggests that this may be true.  Glass, TA, Bandeen-Roche, McAtee, M and Schwartz, BS of Johns Hopkins suggested that environmental stress increased the cognitive damage caused by lead poisoning.  This is the first study of its kind and has major implications in human health.

Environmental toxins like heavy metals and solvents have long been know to cause neurological dysfunction in humans, especially children, but the effect of stress has not been tested on environmentally poisoned individuals until now.  The researchers found that higher levels of stress exacerbated the effects of lead exposure in children in Baltimore. These findings give rise to interesting treatment options to better aid those environmentally challenged.  Not only do they need to detoxify but they may need counseling as well as ways to lower their stress.

More on this subject in the coming days.

Obesity and Toxicity. The correlation gets stronger.

About 4 years ago, I made a presentation at a clinical nutritionists meeting in Las Vegas, proposing that toxicity (solvents, heavy metals, toxins produced by bacteria and parasites, etc) were part of the reason for the growing obesity issues facing people today.   I proposed that some toxins have the ability to block the entry point of the citric acid (Kreb’s) cycle and cause our resting metabolism to go down, sometimes dramatically.  Additionally, a number of these toxins are endocrine disruptors affecting the thyroid, adrenals, pituitary, hypothalamus and pancreas. 

Four weeks ago my brother came to my house and proclaimed that toxicologists have just discovered that obesity and toxicity are being linked together.  Needless to say my wife and I had a big laugh and reminded him of what I had proposed a few years before.  The abstracts of the presentations done at the annual meeting of the Society of Toxicology are available at Beware, it is a huge file (552 pages).

I spent the past 4 days going though it and noticed a number of abstracts related to obesity and toxicity (start on page 307, abstracts 1503 – 1508). I will be posting some of the most pertinent issues and abstracts on this website in the coming weeks along with commentary.

Autism – CDC Coverup?

In a news release from Generation Rescue, recently uncovered documents have shown that the Center for Disease Control knowingly hid information linking the vaccine preservative thimerosal and the dramatic increase in autism worldwide. This revelation, which is certainly not surprising to many of us, should be viewed as shameful and extremely troubling.

My main question is: How can the people who hid the data and deceived the public live with themselves? If this is all true, they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If you are interested in reading the entire the entire news release, go to the Newswire website or to Generation Rescue.

A better way to diet

Walk into any book store and you’ll find hundreds of diet books from South Beach to Atkins to the Watermelon Seed Hop on One Leg Diet. Everyone has an opinion and in reality, most of them work….. for 20% of the people. For the other 80%, its off to another diet. The real problem is, how to keep the weight off and yet still have some semblance of a normal life.

There is one tried and true method of dieting that will help more people lose weight than any other.  Only problem is, it isn’t a sexy program.  It does require caloric restriction but not a whole lot. If you really want to lose weight long term, you need to cut only about 100-200 calories a day, but it needs to be consistent. Match that up with a moderate exercise campaign and you’ll get that 1-2 pounds per month weight lose which is considered the best way to lose weight and keep it off.

So how do you accomplish this feat?  Drop the sugar and high fructose corn syrup soft drinks for starters. If you drink 2-3 a day and you cut them out and switch to water and Peltier electrolytes you’ll be eliminating hundreds of empty calories a day.  That’s it!!!  Simple and effective.  If you don’t drink soda’s think about switching from whole milk to 1% milk as that will save you 86 calories per 12 ounce glass. Little things like cutting back on fruit juices (why do they call them fruit juice when it is packed with corn syrup) will save tons of calories.

When you look at your daily diet, it really won’t take much to lower your caloric intake by a significant enough amount to make a difference. Of course, there are more things you can do to kick up your metabolism and make your body burn energy more efficiently.  But that is for another day. 

Oxygen – The Molecule That Made The World

If you have an interest in antioxidants, nutrition, aging, science or just want a good book to read, this is it.  Author Nick Lane presents a captivating vision of the world in which we live in and how oxygen helped drive evolutionary forces that led to life as we know it. It will make you rethink the way you look at health and illness and give you a deeper insight into how life came about.  An absolute must read.


Oxygen : The Molecule that Made the World  (Popular Science)

Acai – Nature’s Most Powerful Antioxidant

Acai, pronounced ah-si-eee, is a recently discovered antioxidant berry found only in the Amazon.  It’s antioxidant potential is legendary and it contains a vast array of nutrients and fatty acids.  Still, not all acai is the same.  You can scour the internet for it and you’ll see a vase array of claims about the different forms of acai out there but not all what you read is true. 

Processing the fruit destroys much of its antioxidant power but some of the companies out there still make the claims.  So how do you find out what’s real and what’s not?  Ask the retailer to show you the test results, especially the ORAC reading (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). This gives you a measure of how powerful the supplement is.  Alaskan Blueberry has ar ORAC of approximately 250 per gram which is excellent. One brand of Acai, AcaiUltra™ has been tested to have an ORAC of 445 and up to 1100!!!

Others may claim to have similar products but only AcaiUltra™ has been tested by Brunswick Labs to verify its antioxidant punch. Why does KTS Products have the only Acai with these kind of readings?  It has to do with the way the berry is processed.  It is freeze-dried within 12 hours in the Amazon after picking to preserve its potency. To top it off, the area that their Acai is picked has the richest soil and highest quality Acai available.

Others ship the fruit thousands of miles before processing which causes the fruit to dramatically lose its antioxidant potential. KTS Products Acai is also picked in an environmentally friendly way making sure that the Amazon is protected from abuse.

According to numerous research studies, Americans don’t get enough fruit and vegetables in their diet which is where most of our antioxidants come from.  Even though this is the best way to get your ORAC boost, if you can’t get it that way, try adding AcaiUltra™ to your daily regimen.

A Must Have Book – Overdo$ed America

Last summer at a conference called Boulderfest, I had the privilage of being on a panel with John Abramson, M.D., author of the book Overdo$ed America.  His speech ended with a thunderous standing ovation from the room of 250 health care practitioners from around the country. His book uncovers the packs of lies that have been perpetrated by the pharmaceutical industry which has been selling the American public a bill of goods that only helps enrich their pockets yet does little to improve the quality of life.

Every person in this country or any other, that take medications should read this book and they should buy a second copy for their primary care physician to read. I recommend this book to everyone I work with and at every lecture I give around the world.

Overdosed America : The Broken Promise of American Medicine

It continues – Wall Street Journal Chirps In

In the March 20th 2006 issue of the Wall Street Journal, they continue their anti-nutrition ways with a vitriolic article against taking vitamins claiming that supplements are somehow dangerous because of recent research. This is another example of pro-big Pharma whoring that is perpetrating American media.  They cite research that is terribly flawed, but then again, what would you expect? Follow the money and you find the source. 

How does one fight this?  Not by crying wolf and claiming that the sky is falling, but pointing out the falsehoods and writing letters to the editors of the offending newspapers or other media outlets. Also, by blogging and passing the truth on to your friends and family.  It won’t be easy but it is possible and very necessary to protect our rights.

Blogging, Nutrition and the Truth

Today’s news media is no longer the independent, investigative force they were in the past due to the increasing pressure of advertisers.  This is no better illustration than the misleading reviews of medical research being publicized by radio, TV and news print.  The distortions of reality, the misquoting and downright dishonest reporting makes blogging, one of the most important parts of modern society in my opinion.

When my friend, Jim Larsen, sends me articles like the review of a Lancet paper from April 2005 where the authors tell their audience that they should abandon their calcium and other nutritional supplements in favor of pharmaceuticals I get my hackles up (my wife thanks you Jim. Wink The paper he sent me is so poorly done that my 9 year old would be scolded for writing it, I have to wonder whether some people’s drive for money has so clouded their thinking that any semblance of morality was dropped off somewhere far away from their homes. The participants in the study from the Lancet had a incredibly high drop out rate (over 1/3rd) which in and of it self should have thrown it out but it also did not look at levels of Vitamin D (critical in calcium metabolism), did not look at hydrochloric acid levels which are necessary for proper absorption of calcium and they use too low of a dose!  Many of the studies putting down calcium also used the wrong form, calcium carbonate which is a cheap but very poorly absorbed form. 

When you look at the advertising in journals like the New England Journal of Medicine (I commonly refer to it as the NEJ of Aggravation) and The Lancet, you can see why they consistently whore themselves to Big Pharma.  You may think my words are harsh but the distortion and lying is of such a catastrophic nature, that I should be accused of being too mild in my characterizations of these people.

Now to turn my focus to the other side of nutrition, the hucksters and sales sharks who tout things like horny goat weed as the solution to all male sexual dysfunction, or some self-proclaimed health truth tellers from some dark corner of the Amazon who claim they are the only bastion of truth yet when you disagree with them (with good cause), they call you Nazi’s (yes I have been accused by one such lunatic as having opinions reminiscent of the perpetrators of the Holocaust) and big Pharma shills.  These are the ones that allopathic medical practitioners point to as the model of alternative minded people. They do such a disservice to nutritional health that I feel some of them may really be the big Pharma shills.

While not all blogging is filled with truth sayers, by sharing our ideas and thoughts, we allow people to hear all sides of a story, not just the side that advertisers want you to hear.  We blog not just to see ourselves on the net but to allow you to see what the truth might be.  As for me, I will continue to blog as long as I see deceit, disinformation, falsehoods and shills.

As Featured On Ezine Articles

Which form of Magnesium is best???

This is kind of a loaded question as I get arguments from some pretty learned people about this but if you look at the data, its pretty much a safe bet that magnesium bound to amino acids (chelates) is the best way to go.  Thanks to my friend James Larsen, he made me add this to my blog as he sent me a study entitled “Magnesium bioavailability from magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide” by J. S. Lindberg, M. M. Zobitz, J. R. Poindexter and C. Y. Pak at the Center for Mineral Metabolism and Clinical Research, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas 75235.

In this paper, and many others like it, it is pretty clear that using magnesium oxide as a supplement is just not as effective as magnesium citrate.  There is some guy that trolls Yahoo forums trying to get everyone to buy magnesium chloride as some magical form, especially his topical one because he just knows its the best. Problem is, many people are elevated in total chloride loads in their bodies and we just don’t need to add anymore of that to our systems.  To top it off, when asked for proof, he, as many other’s who tout that they have “it”, he resorts to some silly banter about how I’m out to get him and that his proof is on how great he and his family feel.

I’m not here to sell any products, I just want to present the facts.  If you want a good form of magnesium, try magnesium citrate.  It works, and its cost effective.