Category Archives: Health

The Spinach Fiasco – What the real issue is.

There is so much debate as to the meaning and ramifications of the E. coli outbreak caused by tainted bagged spinach but one issue I don’t see being talked about is why in God’s name do we even need bagged spinach or any salad for that matter.  Has our society so devolved that we need to have someone else cut leafy vegetable for us?  I know that we have grown fat and lazy but come on, bagged lettuce and spinach?

I think one of the bigger issues here is our instant pudding mind set which reminds me of a bunch of lemmings going over a cliff because they follow the leader. Now I know I’ve probably insulted a lot of people who use bagged salads as a convenience but please stop and think about it for an instance.  Do you really need to save those brief few seconds that buying a bagged spinach would save you?  Do you realize the cost of those products versus buying it from the produce aisle and cleaning and cutting it yourself?  Even if you waste half a head of lettuce you would still save money.

Sorry folks, but I just can’t wrap my brain around the issue of bagged lettuce.

PCB’s Impair Immune Response

According to a study published in PLoS Medicine (August 2006), PCB’s (polychlorinated biphenyls) are being shown to cause immune response failures which correspond to a blocking response to vaccinations.

What researchers found was that 25% of the children in the Faroe Islands who were inoculated for tetanus had no protection from the vaccinations. This concurs with animal model studies which have shown general immune deficiencies being generated by the exposure to other organic pollutants like dioxin as well as PCB’s

We already know that these pollutants can cause cognitive damage to children but add this immunologic effect and you can see how our continued disregard for our environment spells nothing but disaster for human kind.

Phthalates and Skin Allergies – Heightened Response Found

Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) a ubiquitous plasticizer has been found to enhance the allergic response to a common allergen, dust-mites. Since this chemical is found everywhere in our environment, those people who exhibit skin allergies should be made aware of this and access their levels of phthalates through the use of the US Biotek Environmental Pollutants Biomarker Test.

What was interesting in this report from the August issue of Environmental Health Perspectives, is how hormone mimicking chemicals, in this case phthalates, may be more toxic at lower doses than at higher ones. So the comment by industrial pollution apologists than low dose exposure is safe, may be as hollow as a tunnel.

Overweight People Outnumber the Undernourished

Recent estimates by the World Health Organization claim that there are over one billion overweight adults worldwide with nearly 300 million of those being obese.  Think about that for a moment. 1,000,000,000 people who have an increase risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and stroke.  How is our already overtaxed health care system going to handle this?  How long before governments realize the pandemic which is obesity?

Most of the obese individuals are of course in the wealthier, developed world but that is quickly changing as it is thought that by 2010, the third-world countries will have more overweight adults than their wealthier neighbors. Sadly though, according to the WHO, there are still 800 million people who are undernourished, mostly in the underdeveloped countries. What this tells me is that there is an ever growing gap between the rich and the poor but the rich seem to be getting sicker and sicker so maybe things will even out in the end.

The Pollution Within

Run don’t walk to your local newsstand and pickup the October 2006 copy of the esteemed magazine National Geographic especially if you’re interested in reading about a growing problem which I have lectured about around the world, environmental toxicity and health. Author David Ewing Duncan wrote a brilliant article about the staggering number of chemicals found in his own blood stream that will make your blood boil with anger and scare you to your core. While I don’t think that banning all chemicals and returning to cave life is the answer, we can’t continue to deny that these chemicals can harm to our health, especially infants and unborn fetuses.

What we need to do is to force companies to do safety studies on all of their chemicals to prove that their benefits outweigh the risks associated with low level exposure. Until then, we need to monitor our ability to excrete these chemicals using laboratory testing from such labs as US Biotek for solvents and other chemical pollutants or Doctor’s Data for heavy metals.

LDL, Toxicity and Health

Seattle Functional Medicine Presentation – In Powerpoint Format

In 2005, I did a number of talks about the issues of environmental toxicity and health, especially on the subject of elevated LDL cholesterol. Here is the Powerpoint presentation for the talk I did on September 25, 2005 to a group of Functional Medicine Practitioners.

I will be posting a few of my other talks on environmental toxicity in the coming weeks.

So What Really is in NCD/Zeolite???

NCD/Zeolite Mineral and Heavy Metal Content 

We know what zeolite is (volcanic ash), we’ve heard the numerous health claims (some more preposterous than others), but until now, we really didn’t know what it was made of.  I firmly believe that all nutritional product should have these types of analysis done on them before they come to market.

Read the attachment above and judge for yourself whether its worth the exorbitant price.

LEAP and Tasya – Changes Abound

About a year ago, I posted information about my daughter Tasya and the remarkable results she’s gotten by following the dietary recommendations we received from the LEAP MRT from Signet Diagnostics.  Well a year has passed and while she still has issues relating to her epilepsy, she continues to get better.

Here are the results of her second test completed just a few weeks ago.

Note how many of the previously reactive foods have become non-reactive like pork, olives, and crab.  New items popped up like white potatoes, papaya, mango and banana while some, like tyramine (found in hard cheeses) and red dye #3 stayed highly reactive. 

All in all, we have made the adjustments in her diet and noticed continued improvement. I truly wish I could say that she was 100% cured or better but in all honesty I can’t.  She is vastly better but we still have a ways to go. Still, if it weren’t for the people who developed the test at Signet Diagnostics, my daughter Tasya would not be anywhere nearly as healthy and happy as she is today.  My family, and especially Tasya will always be grateful to them for what they’ve done to improve the quality of her life.

Zeolites – Cancer Cure? I don’t think so

Common FDA, start doing your job and get rid of all of those Waiora MLM distributors who are making outrageous claims about how their product, which is volcanic ash made up primarily out of aluminum silicate, cures cancer. They go on to cite a study, which no one has any details about or any way of verifying the claim, which makes a ridiculous statement telling us that the product cured cancer in a number of late-stage patients.

Instead of going after minor violators of their rules, the FDA and the FTC need to stop this type of deceitful marketing. To read a couple of good pieces of information about Natural Cellular Defense aka Zeolite, click here and then here.

Don’t waste your money on what amounts to ground up ash.

More bad news about perchlorates

Despite Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano saying that the Colorado River was safe and that the levels of perchlorates were ok, more data is out showing that even small quantities of this component of rocket fuel are harming the environment.

In the August 2006 issue of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, researchers found that the chemical masculinizes fish and causes lowered reproduction rates. While the doses used were far higher than EPA allowable amounts, they were still environmentally relevant as they were similar to contaminated sites around the U.S.

When are our government officials going to start protecting us and not protecting big business interests? Maybe when it’s too late.