Are Low-Carb Diets Really Better For You?

It is getting to the point where yours truly is starting to get suspicious of every research paper that gets published anymore. The latest fiasco, is a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that states that low-carb, high protein diets were superior to other diets like the Zone or the Ornish diet. In reality this study shouldn’t have seen the light of day much less being published in a well-respected, peer reviewed journal. This study had so many holes in it that I am surprised it wasn’t sent in the the National Enquirer for publication except that rag may not have wanted something so poorly put together.

While I am not a fan of Dean Ornish’s diet plan, his response to the study is well crafted and should be read by anyone interested in finding out the truth about this remarkably poor study.

What none of the diet guru’s ever seem to get is that each and every one of us is unique and we need to create diet changes specific to our chemistry and time in our life. What works for you might fail for me or might work for me today but not next month. Dieticians and nutritionists might be jumping for joy at my comment because they are supposedly trained to treat people as individuals but in my years of consulting, I have found that some of them have innate prejudices that favor one type of diet over another thus defeating the concept of biochemical individuality. Another problem is the complete lack of any talk about the link between obesity and environmental toxicity, something I harp on in many of my lectures.